Sunday, June 27, 2010

Getting to Know You

Getting to know YOU

1.If you had 5000.00 to spend on plastic surgery what would you have done?

Honestly, I think I would go for a breast reduction.  I would much rather be a nice C cup than a DD!  A little firming and tightening...that would be great!
2. Do you watch Soap operas and if so what is your favorite and why?

I don't anymore.  I used to watch Guiding Light.  I started watching it when I was 13.  Back then I would watch it over the summer and then tape it during the school year!  I continued to watch it until February of 2008.  They changed up the format to make it look more like a reality show.  To me it just looked like shaky filming and they were way too close up on the characters.  I watched it for a week and then quit.  Having watched it for 18 years, that was a big deal for me!  Every once in a while I would catch it if I was home sick, but I didn't really care for it all that much.  Once they announced the show was ending I decided to start recording it again.  I had put so many years into it, I had to know how it ended!  So I started watching it again in March or April of last year and continued till the last day in September.  The filming actually seemed a little better, and the story line wasn't too bad.  I loved that show for many years, and still miss it when there is nothing on tv to watch!  I always had something waiting for me on DVR to watch in the summertime!

3. Favorite clothing brand?

Gosh, I don't know.  I am not really brand loyal.  I do like a nice pair of Levi's though!

4. An afternoon shopping spree at your favorite store or maid service for a year?

Maid service for a year...hands down!  Actually my goal is to have a cleaning lady in two years once our debt is paid off!  I can't wait!  We are planning to sign up for this fancy gym in the area too...but that has nothing to do with this question! 
5. would you ever vajazzle?

Nope, no thanks!
6. Favorite Disney Princess?

Oh man, thats a hard one!  I guess I am going to have to choose Belle from The Beauty and The Beast.  I have always loved that movie and now my mini-me loves it too!  Since she has brown hair she calls herself Belle.  She even announces herself as Belle at The Little Gym each week! 
7. Last movie that made you bawl your eyes out?

Well we are going to Toy Story 3 today.  I have heard I might cry at the end of that one!  I can't remember the last time I cried at a movie, but I do know that any time I watch When A Man Loves A Woman I end up crying!  Anytime I feel like a good cry, I watch it.  I have probably watched it a fifty times in the past 15 years and I still cry every time!!  Love that movie!
8. Have you ever broken any bones and if so what?

Yes, I broke my left arm when I was two years old.  The story goes that I was left handed, but had to relearn everything with my right arm, including cutting my food.  I am not so sure I agree with that story now that I have a child of my own.  She is almost three and I don't know that I would say she is a righty or a lefty yet.  She certainly doesn't cut her food though! 

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Clickin Moms Deal!

I think I have mentioned Clickin' Moms in the past.  I love that site!  If you are "in to" photography in any way shape or form, or just interested in improving your photography...I highly recommend you check this site out!  The wealth of knowledge is incredible.  The website is made up of a forum full of women at all levels of photography.  Some are pros, other just newbies!  I have learned so much in such a short time.  I think I have learned more from the website than I did from the 6-week local course I took this past spring!

Right now they are offering a deal for signing up too!

Use coupon code FRIEND at checkout, and get 10% off any subscription,
or coupon code LOVECM for 20% off a lifetime subscription.

Give it a try, I think you will love it there!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Five Questions Friday

1. Do you know how to play a musical instrument?

Well, I used to.  I played the flute in junior high and high school.  In fact I was 1st chair for most of those years!  However, if you have ever been to Colorado, you know the air is thin here.  I remember trying to play my flute shortly after we moved here and could barely do it!  I was fighting for air.  I have pretty much never picked it up again!  I might be able to do it now, since I have been here 15 years...but I can't remember much else about playing anymore!
2. What is your pet peeve while driving?

Oh geez...don't get me started!!  I can't stand stupid drivers!  I have tons of pet peeves when it comes to stupid drivers!

3. Would you rather have a housekeeper or unlimited spa services?

Without a doubt...a housekeeper!  I currently have a membership to Massage Envy that I never use!  Seriously, my husband bought me a one year membership for our 15th anniversary in December.  I have been a total of 2 times...once in December on our actual anniversary and once in March when I came back from Nebraska.  I am paying for one 60 minute massage each month and I am not using it.  Luckily it saves up in my account, so I have a bunch of massages waiting for me.  I like the hot stone type, and that is two months worth of massages, so I will use them quickly...I just need to get around to it!  Hum, maybe I should call and schedule one for this weekend! 

A housekeeper though...I would cherish that! 

4. Is there a song that you hear that will take you back to the moment, like a junior high or high school dance?

Oh gosh, there are tons of them!  I love music!  I suppose it has something to do with the fact that I was 1st chair flute for so many years!!  I can be brought back to moments in my life instantly with just one song.  Let see, Blame It On The Rain brings me back to junior high.  The year we moved to Florida.  I remember riding on the bus wishing I had friends!  Most of Mellancamp's songs bring me back to various times in my childhood when I was living in Indiana.  Some of the Journey songs take me back to senior year when I was dating my husband.  I could go on and on!

5. What song best represents your life right now?
I will have to think about that! 

Oh wait...I know..."It Won't Be Like This For Long" by Darius Rucker.  Gosh the lyrics to that song sure are true aren't they!  I cried the first time I heard it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday Five

Thursday Five

Wanna play?

just post 5 things that have made you..




Totally Stoked


or all of the above..

and then link up with the rest over at MannLand5

1.  I am reading a great book!  I have always been a book reader, but have not had much time to read in the past three years thanks to a beautiful little baby named Morgan!  I started reading again a few weeks ago and have finished three books already!  Right now I am reading The Castaways and love it!  I look forward to my lunch hours and the time just before bed so I can sit and read.  I am so glued to this book, I can't wait to find out what happens!  If you are looking for a great summer book, check this one out! 

2.  My purple petunias look so awesome this year!  I have two hanging baskets on my porch and they are abudant with beautiful blooms!  In the six years we have lived here, I don't think my flowers have ever looked this fabulous for this long!

3.  Gymnastics at The Little Gym on Saturday was so much fun!  I was worried that Morgan might not want to go in without me.  Boy was I wrong!  She loved it!  It was so cute to watch her sit and listen to the teacher and to follow the directions.  I loved watching them go thru the stations!  All the parents talked and giggled as a group as they was great fun!

4.  Fathers Day was fabulous!  We went to a local park and let Morgan play in the fountain.  We also had a little picnic under a shade tree.  It was the most enjoyable three hours every!

5.  I had the most yummy pita for lunch today!  I sat at a park enjoying my pita and reading.  Fabulous!

Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Best post ever!

Jessica Turner of The Mom Creative had the most fabulous guest post today on Ali Edwards blog.  If you are a mom, you have got to read it!  Check it out here!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Getting to Know You

Getting to know YOU

1. While at the beach, pool, etc..Do you cover up your assets or show them off?

Well there was a time that I didn't cover up very much...but with the current state of my body, I would totally cover up.  That may change in the next few months though, now that I am doing P90X!

2. Road trips or Plane trips?

I personally enjoy road trips, but my husband does not!  If it was up to me, I would drive every where...however he despises it.  That and most of our family lives so far away that its not worth it to drive, once we got there we wouldn't have any time to visit before we had to leave!  I'm not very fond of flying at all, but if I don't fly I can't go I suck it up and do it, but I don't like it!

3. I can't stand it when...?

neighbors that do something that is against the HOA rules!  Yes, I admit it, I am a freak like that!  I don't know why, it just drives me nuts!  I guess I figure I signed up and agreed to the rules, as did everybody living around me.  Therefore they need to abide by those rules.  I am kinda weird, I really want my neighborhood to maintain the same look and feel that it had when I moved in.  If I am paying money each month towards and HOA to help achieve that, then I expect it to happen.  I actually agree with all of the rules for our particular HOA too!  I used to live in a townhome community that had a crazy HOA, I didn't necessarily agree with all of the rules there, but I still followed them...and expect all the neighbors to as well!  If you don't like HOA's, don't move next to me!  I might turn you in if you don't follow the rules!!

4. Have you ever gone topless at the beach?

Nope, can't say that I have.

5. How many blog carnivals do you do a week?

Too many!  I don't know 3 or 4 I guess.  When I just had my blog about my daughter, I never did them.  I just felt they didn't belong there...specially if I ever get around to downloading all of it to Blurb and making a book out of it.  That was my plan for a gift for Fathers Day this year...but here we are on Fathers Day and I have not done it!  oh well, maybe next years!  Anyway, thats why I started this I would have somewhere to post all the silly and different things that aren't directly related to my daughter! 
6. My favorite thing about the weekend is...?

Well it used to be sleeping in...but my daughter did not inherit those genes for some reason!  Now I guess its just the fact that I don't have to work, that we can do whatever we want and not have to be anywhere unless we want to be there!

7. Pancakes or waffles?

Neither...I am a french toast girl!  Honestly, I am not much of a breakfast girl at all.  But on the extremely rare occasion that we go out to eat for breakfast, I order french toast!
8. Water Park or Amusement Park?

Hum...I guess water park.  Though I haven't been in years and wouldn't want to go now when I am so unhappy with my current size!  It wouldn't be much fun since I am not willing to get into a swim suit!  As a kid, I remember going to Wet N Wild for 12 hours...we would be there when they opened and stay there till they closed at least once a summer!  I loved it!  However, amusement parks just don't do it for me.  I hate rides!  I get motion sickness, and it pretty much ruins the entire day.  Though I love Magic Kingdom...I guess thats an amusement park.  It way better than Six Flags in my book!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

debt sucks.

I hate debt!  It really sucks!

Quite a few years ago, back when we were told we could not have kids, we spent like a dual income couple with no kids.  That was perfectly fine when we were a dual income couple with no kids.  Then all the sudden...surprise!  We had a baby, that we were a little surprised about.  Sure we wanted her badly, but we really did not think that dream would come true. 

Of course once you have a child, your budget and expenses change quite a bit. 

We are still trying to dig ourselves out of that "no kids" debt.  Two years ago we committed to a strict plan to pay off the debt.  We are making progress but we are only halfway there.  Its taking forever!  I can't wait till we reach the end of this journey!

At the moment I have no interest in sharing exactly how in debt we were/are...maybe someday. 

I hate it so much because it holds us back.  We are suffering or lacking necessities by any means.  We even get to do a few fun things from time to time!  However, we don't get to travel as much as we would like.  Our family would love to see us more often.  If we did not have this debt, I may have been able to stay at home after Morgan was born.  I don't know if I would have, because there would be other things to consider such as lack of retirement etc...but I would have at least had the opportunity.  With this debt, there was no way I could have stayed home.  I am okay with that now, its working fine.  I just wish I had the choice!

Okay, enough venting about debt.  We are making will all be gone eventually!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Five Questions Friday

I love Fridays!  I am so ready for the weekend...but its shaping up to a busy one! What about you?

1. What is your favorite thing about summertime?

I feel like I have answered this question alot lately!  Well lets see, some other things I love about summer...sweet tea, lemonade, ice cream, grilled pineapple, sprinklers, the zoo, walks in the evening after dinner...

2. What is your ideal retirement location (if money didn't matter)?

Florida.  No question about it.  I grew up in Florida and hope to go back one day.  It might not happen for many years, but one of these days I will be back!

3. Do you live in the same town you grew up in?

Nope.  I lived in Indiana for the first 12 years of my life, then we moved to Florida.  Even though I only lived there till I was 18, I still call Florida home.  I guess thats because I love it there, and because I have so many more fun memories there.  Anyway, when I turned 18 I joined the Air Force and was transfered to Colorado...where I still am...15 years later! 
4. What nervous habit did you have as a child that you kicked to the curb before becoming an adult?

I can't think of anything actually.

5. What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while on the job?
So this story is kinda funny!  When I was in the military I decided I needed a part time job.  My plan once I got out of the military was to continue working where ever I found a part time job and then go to college.  That didn't happen, but that has nothing to do with this story!  Anyway, I got an interview at a new Applebee's that had just opened.  I raced to my interview straight from work.  I was a bit nervous and in a I did not pay attention.  I pulled up to the building and walked it without noticing the sign out front.  I asked for the manager by name.  They looked a little puzzled but went and got a manager.  He then came out and got me and said I must be at the wrong place, but he was more than happy to interview me.  I ended up walking out of there with a new job...waitress at The Black-eyed Pea!  Whoops!  I didn't realize there were two new restaurants in that location.  I pulled up to the first one I saw, which turned out to be the wrong one!!!
Happy Friday!
If you want to play along...stop over at Mama M.'s blog!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday Five!

Thursday Five

Wanna play?

just post 5 things that have made you..






or all of the above..

and then link up with the rest over at MannLand5

1.  Its summertime...its flip flop weather!

2.  My husband and I went on a date lunch today!  Now that I work closer to his office, we take advantage of our lunch hour and daycare and try to meet up for lunch at least once a week.  Its nice to be able to enjoy a nice quiet meal, with adult converstation, without having to find and trust a babysitter!

3.  Morgan is starting gymnastics at The Little Gym on Saturday.  I am super excited about it because I know how much she loves going there, and am excited to see what she can do in the new class.  This one is different because we (parents) won't be in the room any more.  Its just the kids and the instructor!  I hope she loves it!

4.  Its Father's Day weekend and we actually get to celebrate it!  After many years of trying to have a baby, we thought we would never be able to celebrate these types of things!  Here we are, our second Father's Day with a child!!!  Its a glorious thing!!

5.  Toy Story 3 comes out this weekend!  We have been looking forward to this for a few months now!  Morgan loved going to the theater to see The Princess and The Frog, so I am excited to take her back to see Toy Story.  I think we might skip it this weekend though, since we already have plans.  Next weekend we will be there though!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Getting to Know You

Its Sunday...and I feel like I have gotten nothing done this weekend at all!  I think its the weather, its turned cold and rainy here.  Its more like March than June and its really irking me!  I love the summer, but I want summer weather to go with it!  I hear it will be back to the 90s this week though!  I guess it kinda goes with my summer cold!

Okay, on to the questions!

Getting to know YOU

1. If you could have one of Superman's, powers which one would you want? Superhuman strength..Flight..Superhuman speed..X-Ray vision..etc

Flight...then I could take off to work and the store in record time, and be back just as fast!
2. The best thing I ever won is....?

Gosh, I can't think of anything big.  A few summers ago I won a really cool camera strap.  Thats about it!

3. Have you ever skyped with a bloggy friend?

Nope.  The only people I skype with are family.  Morgan loves talking to everybody on the 'puter!

4. What is your favorite Summer month?

July!  I love the 4th of July...always have since I was a kid.  Plus Morgan's birthday is July 12th. 

5. Pool, Lake, or Ocean?

To get in...the pool for sure!  I love the beach but I am not a fan of actually getting in the ocean!  A lake would be nice to live on with a beautiful view out the window, but I don't think I would get into it either!

6. One of my favorite Summer memories is.....?

Summer of 2007...the summer Morgan was born!  I got to spend the entire summer soaking her up, not worrying about work, cleaning house or anything really.  It was grand!

7. What's your favorite secret bargain?

Target...everything about it!  I think their clothes are an awesome bargain, specially on clearance!  Speaking of clearance, I have found some of the best deals on their clearance racks!

8. Do you plan on or have you been watching the World Cup?

I doubt it.  If USA advances more, I might catch some of a game.  I don't have specific plans to watch though!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Whats For Dinner?

Unfortunetly I can't remember where I found this recipe....but I wanted to share it because it was so darn good!  We had it for dinner this evening...yum!  Two things, the cut I bought was really thin so it cooked up darn fast!  Also, the cream sauce makes could probably cut it in half and be just fine!

Grilled Steaks with Gorgonzola Cream Sauce

4 steaks of your choice, 1 1/4″ thick (strip, ribeye, sirloin, filet etc.)
2 tablespoons cooking oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
Gorgonzola Cream Sauce (see below)

1. Let steaks sit on the counter for 15 minutes to take off the chill. Pat the steaks very dry, brush each side with the oil and season with salt and pepper on both sides (go easy on seasoning the steak with salt—the gorgonzola is a salty cheese).

2. Heat a grill pan or frying pan over high heat. When very hot, add the steaks and cook 3 minutes. Flip the steaks, turn the heat to medium-high and cook for an additional 6 minutes or until you reach desired level of doneness. Let steaks rest. Top with the Gorgonzola Cream Sauce.

Gorgonzola Cream Sauce

Serves 4
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley or chives
4 ounces crumbled gorgonzola
2 ounces grated parmesan
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg

In a small sauce pan over medium heat, stir in heavy cream, parsley or chives, gorgonzola and parmesan cheese. Season with nutmeg. Whisk and let simmer for 30 seconds or until the much of the cheese has melted. Serve the cream sauce over steaks.

summertime colds suck.

Can I just say...summertime colds are the worst!  I have been sick since last Saturday.  It seems like I am finally nearing the end, but I thought I would never get here!  On Wednesday I felt so crappy I even stayed home from work...for a cold!  I ended up laying on the couch all day.  As much as I love a nice lazy day, the last thing I want to do when its 80 outside is lay on the couch and sleep!  Specially when I have so many other things I could be doing! 

A few weeks ago when I had the MRI done, the results ended up being totally clear...except my sinuses were packed.  Apparently that wasn't a big deal to the doctors, so I was happy as a clam.  Well let me just tell you, if you are ever told your sinuses are packed (and you aren't sick), expect them to unpack in the near future!  Make sure you invest in a super jumbo package of Kleenex to prepare!

Anyway, thats my grand excuse for not posting much in the past two weeks!  Hopefully I am back in full force!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Five Question Friday

Okay...sorry, I slacked again this week on blogging!  This time my excuse is a nasty summertime cold.  Aren't those the worst!  It seems like I have just about kicked it...finally!  On to the questions!

1. What do you think makes a good friend, or friendship?

A good friend is somebody you can be yourself around and not worry about what they think.  Somebody you can lose your cool around during an exceptionally hard and trying time and know that they understand and will still be there.  Somebody that is fun and easy to be around...

2. What is the last thing you bought & later regretted?

Hummm...I can't really think of anything.  I guess most things I end up returning if I don't want the flooring I bought at an amazing cheap price on clearance 2 weeks ago at Lowes.  I loved the price so much I thought I could live with the style.  A week later it went back!! 

3. Have you ever had a prank played on you?

No...but my husband did!  He worked in a big huge building at the time and was always careful to get to work early to get a good parking spot.  If you saw how big the parking lot was, you would understand!  Typically at lunch he would refuse to drive and would just eat at his desk unless somebody else was driving when the gang was going out for lunch (goober!).  Everybody knew what a dork he was about parking, so one day a co-worker grabbed his keys out of his coat pocket and moved his car!  He moved it to the absolute furthest parking spot there.  It was snowing out when he left that day!  He walked to where he thought he parked and got an email from the guys that were watching him from the windows.  The email contained a map of the parking lot and a big X where his car was moved to.  Of course it was almost blizzard conditions and the map was on a blackberry screen.  He couldn't read it.  He wandered the parking lot for almost 45 minutes before they gave up and gave him a ride to his car!!!!  Too funny!
4. What is your favorite theme park?

My favorite is Epcot for some reason.  I don't know why, but I love it!  I have been there a bunch of times (since I grew up near Orlando) and still love it!  However, now that I have a preschooler, I really love Magic Kingdom...its so fun to go there with kids!  Another fav is Sea World!
5. Have you ever seen someone else give birth?
Nope...unless you count somebody on TV!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Five Questions Friday

Yes I realize its not Friday...but I am going to play along anyway!!

1. If you could go back to college would you change your major? Or, if you were to go to college right now...what major would you choose?

If I could go back to school now...I would either major in Photography or I would go to Real Estate School.  I know, quite a difference between the two...but they both interest me!  Had I lived somewhere other than here, I probably would have become a realtor instead of an accountant.  This town just has way too many realtors!  Something like 2500!  However, it still really interests me, so I have kicked around the idea of becoming a part time realtor.  Maybe doing it once Morgan is in school...I don't know! 
2. What do you love most about your home?

I guess the kitchen.  Its not exactly the style I would prefer...but its huge, and I love that!!

3. What types of books do you like to read (if you like to read at all)?

I love to read.  I mostly just read chick lit..oh and Harry Potter!  I ebb and flow with my reading.  For the first couple years after my daughter wa born I hardly read at all.  I have finished 3 books in the past3 I seem to be back to it now!

4. What is the grossest thing you've ever eaten?

Hmmm...I guess its the liver and onions my mom used to make.  Yuck!  I am much more open with food and love trying new things...but I still hate that stuff!

5. If you HAD to be a character on a TV show, whom would you be?
I suppose I would choose to be Nancy on Weeds.  No real reason...I just think she is super cute and she probably has so much fun filming that show!

Getting to Know You

Ugh...I am so far behind!  I missed posting all week long!  We have been super busy with lots of projects so I just didn't have a chance.  I will try to do better this week!  Happy Sunday!

On to the questions....

Getting to know YOU

1. If a person has a booger in their nose. and you can see it, do you tell them?

It depends who the person is!  If its my daughter or husband...of course!  If its some random way!
2. What are you passionate about?

Well of course my family...but other than  I have always loved it, but I didn't really get into it till my daughter was born.  She is definetly my inspiration.  In the last year I upgraded my camera and took a few classes.  I am really loving it now!  My husband calls me the momarazzi!  I always have my camera...always!  Just yesterday I went on a really fun photo walk sponsored by i heart faces.  Loved it!
3. How long have you been blogging?

Halloween 2006...the day I found out I was pregnant with my daughter.
4. What is your favorite "summer" drink?

Sweet tea
5. What is your favorite type of music?

Oh gosh...I love it all!  Seriously, I don't really have a favorite.  I have been to such a wide range of concerts...from Andrea Bocelli to Ozzy Osbourne!  Lately I have been on a country kick, but I go back and forth.  Sometimes its rap, other times its rock, but I love 80s music too!

6. Something I do before I go to bed is......?

Watch the 10pm news.  I usually turn it off once the weather segment is done!

7. My Summer vacation plans are...?

Gosh, I don't really have any this summer.  We aren't planning to travel anywhere, and nobody is visiting us.  Just a nice relaxing summer.

8. My favorite must have, can't live without, beauty product is?
Hummm...I guess Its a 10 Miracle Leave-In Product ranks up there!  I love it!  Last summer my hair was bleached, dyed blonde and then I hated it so I dyed it back to brown.  It was destroyed after all that!  I found this stuff, and was so happy!  It camoflaged all the damage.  I still use it daily! 

Check out Keely's blog for more fun!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

i ♥ faces: Barefoot Week

Its Barefoot Week over at i heart faces!  I haven't joined in one of the weekly challenges in quite a while.  There is no better time than the present I guess!