Sunday, June 13, 2010

Getting to Know You

Its Sunday...and I feel like I have gotten nothing done this weekend at all!  I think its the weather, its turned cold and rainy here.  Its more like March than June and its really irking me!  I love the summer, but I want summer weather to go with it!  I hear it will be back to the 90s this week though!  I guess it kinda goes with my summer cold!

Okay, on to the questions!

Getting to know YOU

1. If you could have one of Superman's, powers which one would you want? Superhuman strength..Flight..Superhuman speed..X-Ray vision..etc

Flight...then I could take off to work and the store in record time, and be back just as fast!
2. The best thing I ever won is....?

Gosh, I can't think of anything big.  A few summers ago I won a really cool camera strap.  Thats about it!

3. Have you ever skyped with a bloggy friend?

Nope.  The only people I skype with are family.  Morgan loves talking to everybody on the 'puter!

4. What is your favorite Summer month?

July!  I love the 4th of July...always have since I was a kid.  Plus Morgan's birthday is July 12th. 

5. Pool, Lake, or Ocean?

To get in...the pool for sure!  I love the beach but I am not a fan of actually getting in the ocean!  A lake would be nice to live on with a beautiful view out the window, but I don't think I would get into it either!

6. One of my favorite Summer memories is.....?

Summer of 2007...the summer Morgan was born!  I got to spend the entire summer soaking her up, not worrying about work, cleaning house or anything really.  It was grand!

7. What's your favorite secret bargain?

Target...everything about it!  I think their clothes are an awesome bargain, specially on clearance!  Speaking of clearance, I have found some of the best deals on their clearance racks!

8. Do you plan on or have you been watching the World Cup?

I doubt it.  If USA advances more, I might catch some of a game.  I don't have specific plans to watch though!

1 comment:

  1. What I wouldn't give for some cooler temps around her right now. It's like a sauna outside! Target IS the best!
