Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Met with a vampire today

I think I met a vampire today.  It felt like it anyway!

This morning I went in to have blood drawn to see if I am a close enough match for the patient in need of bone marrow.  Holy moly, they need a lot of blood to determine if I will match or not!  They took 6 vials of blood! 

And then when I got back to the office I told a co-worker about this journey I am on.  His brother died of leukemia a year ago, so I thought he might find it interesting.  It turns out today is exactly one year since the day he received the call from his brother that he had leukemia.  He ended up dying just over a month later.  It was too late at that point to try to find a match. 

Pretty amazing how timing can be sometimes, isn't it.

Now we wait...could be as little as 4 weeks...could be as long as 16 weeks.