Thursday, March 31, 2011

blogging again

I'm trying to get back into the swing of things with my blog.  I don't know what happened.  I was blogging faithfully for years about my daughter on my other blog, then I started this blog and stuck with it for a little while.  For some reason, last fall I fell off the wagon on both.  I can probably blame it on lots of things.  The holidays, work, all got in the way.  The truth is, I love to blog.  So I am going to try to get back on the horse and see where it takes me. 

To get me started...I thought I would tell the story of my blog!

It started back in 2006, on a babysite.  I can't remember the name of the website, but it was a place to keep track of your pregnancy with pictures, posts and stuff.  I started writing the day I found I was pregnant with Morgan.  I wanted to document the journey since getting pregnant had been such a struggle for us. 

At some point after she was born I transitioned to using blogger.  I copied all my previous entries over and never looked back.  I blogged regularily, at least a couple times a week.  I documented everything about the first couple years of her life.  I posted pictures, told stories.  It became a living baby book, so to speak.  I challeneged myself each year to NaBloPoMo...and completed it each time!

After a few years of blogging, I decided it was time to branch out and have a "Mommy Blog" too.  I wanted to write about something other than Morgan.  Don't get me wrong, I love talking and writing about her...but I have more to write about than just that!

So...I started this blog...but I never really seemed to click with it.  I never found my groove I guess.  So rather than keep trying...I got busy and let both fall to the wayside.  I'm sad about that, because I love having Morgan's early years documented.  So I am going to try to get back into it.  I'm gonna keep writing and see where it takes me.  I never had big plans for either blog.  I just wanted to document Morgan's life and have a place for me to share whatever was going on in my mind and heart at the moment.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Silly Girl

Kids are so funny!  They say the craziest things sometimes, don't they!

The other day, Morgan was looking out the front window.  She got all excited and yelled, "Hey Dad...look at the Americans!".  Of course Daddy was like, "What?" We looked at each other with the funniest look on our faces.  What the heck could she be talking about.  We run to the window to see...Canadian Geese.  Sitting in the front yard! 

I have no idea how she put that together...but in her mind those birds are called American's!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I just recently became a runner.  That line deserves a whole post on its own...which I will write soon!

Anyway, in an effort to pump up my running to the next level I have been on a hunt for songs to add to my playlist.  I need fast, loud songs that get my blood pumping and my legs moving.  

So far my favorites are:

- Stronger by Kanye West

- Walk This Way by Aerosmith & Run DMC
- I Gotta Feeling by The Black-eyed Peas
- Boom Boom Pow by The Black-eyed Peas
- The Way You Move by Outkast
- Back That Azz Up by Juvenile
-F*ck You by Cee Lo Green

And believe it or not...sometimes I love slower songs like...

- Is This Love by Bob Marley
- No Woman No Cry by Bob Marley
- Get Up, Stand Up by Bob Marley
- One Loe by Bob Marley
- I Want You To Want Me by Cheap Trick
- Free Fallin' by Tom Petty
- Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison

Are there any others I am missing that I should add?? 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Five Question Friday

I haven't done this in a while...a long while! 
Why not join in the fun? 

1. Do you know what your REAL hair color is?

uhm...I used to say I had no idea because I dyed my hair a dreadful bleach blond for so many years.  I started when I was entirely too young (early teen years) and continued well into my 20s.  At that time I thought my hair was a dirty blond, maybe a dingy light brown.

In my mid-twenties I wised up and went dark.  Its more a reddish brown now.  Based on the roots my hair is looking much more gray than I care to admit.  Besides the grey it looks like there is quite a bit of dark brown growth there too.  Its kind of a dingy dull dark brown. 

The gray is driving me nuts though, so now I am working towards a lighter happy medium.  Not too dark, but not too light, with some hide the grey peeking in a little better.  I am finding that going too dark makes the regrowth look really drastic.  Don't worry I won't go back to bleach blond...I promise!

2. Do you plan ahead for summer, or fly by the seat of your pants?

Summer isn't all that different from the rest of the year for us.  We both work and the munchkin is in preschool/daycare year round.  Sure we get out and do more on the weekends, but the week is the same old thing.

Not sure what I will do once mini-me is in school with summers off though! 
3. What is your favorite meal to cook?

Smothered chicken...I love it!  I love to cook it, I love to eat it!  Yum!

4. Do you get offended by not receiving thank yous?

Traditional thank you cards...Nope...not at all.  Though if I send you flowers or something, I would like a quick text saying thanks.
5. How did you meet your best friend?

At work.  I was new at an accounting firm, she started a couple weeks after me.  We had the same last name, and were the youngest in the group.  We clicked instantly and have been best buds ever since.  We say we are sisters.  She lives five hours from me, I don't see her nearly enough...but I love her dearly.