Sunday, June 27, 2010

Getting to Know You

Getting to know YOU

1.If you had 5000.00 to spend on plastic surgery what would you have done?

Honestly, I think I would go for a breast reduction.  I would much rather be a nice C cup than a DD!  A little firming and tightening...that would be great!
2. Do you watch Soap operas and if so what is your favorite and why?

I don't anymore.  I used to watch Guiding Light.  I started watching it when I was 13.  Back then I would watch it over the summer and then tape it during the school year!  I continued to watch it until February of 2008.  They changed up the format to make it look more like a reality show.  To me it just looked like shaky filming and they were way too close up on the characters.  I watched it for a week and then quit.  Having watched it for 18 years, that was a big deal for me!  Every once in a while I would catch it if I was home sick, but I didn't really care for it all that much.  Once they announced the show was ending I decided to start recording it again.  I had put so many years into it, I had to know how it ended!  So I started watching it again in March or April of last year and continued till the last day in September.  The filming actually seemed a little better, and the story line wasn't too bad.  I loved that show for many years, and still miss it when there is nothing on tv to watch!  I always had something waiting for me on DVR to watch in the summertime!

3. Favorite clothing brand?

Gosh, I don't know.  I am not really brand loyal.  I do like a nice pair of Levi's though!

4. An afternoon shopping spree at your favorite store or maid service for a year?

Maid service for a year...hands down!  Actually my goal is to have a cleaning lady in two years once our debt is paid off!  I can't wait!  We are planning to sign up for this fancy gym in the area too...but that has nothing to do with this question! 
5. would you ever vajazzle?

Nope, no thanks!
6. Favorite Disney Princess?

Oh man, thats a hard one!  I guess I am going to have to choose Belle from The Beauty and The Beast.  I have always loved that movie and now my mini-me loves it too!  Since she has brown hair she calls herself Belle.  She even announces herself as Belle at The Little Gym each week! 
7. Last movie that made you bawl your eyes out?

Well we are going to Toy Story 3 today.  I have heard I might cry at the end of that one!  I can't remember the last time I cried at a movie, but I do know that any time I watch When A Man Loves A Woman I end up crying!  Anytime I feel like a good cry, I watch it.  I have probably watched it a fifty times in the past 15 years and I still cry every time!!  Love that movie!
8. Have you ever broken any bones and if so what?

Yes, I broke my left arm when I was two years old.  The story goes that I was left handed, but had to relearn everything with my right arm, including cutting my food.  I am not so sure I agree with that story now that I have a child of my own.  She is almost three and I don't know that I would say she is a righty or a lefty yet.  She certainly doesn't cut her food though! 


  1. I have not seen Toy Story 3 but everyone says it does make you cry...but everyone also says its really good!

  2. awww i havent seen the new toy story 3 but i can so imagine a bunch of adults crying at a cartoon movie haha
