Friday, July 2, 2010

Five Questions Friday

1. What is one thing you miss the most about childhood?

Just one thing!!  I am going to cheat and share two things...

Chasing fireflys!  I loved spending evenings running around the street catching them!  I remember spending hours with the neighbor kids running around!  We used to put them in jars and set them on our nightstands.  Never could figure out why they were dead the next morning!  I am pretty bummed that Morgan doesn't get to have that memory.  There are no fireflys in Colorado.  I guess that means I need to start taking her to Indiana to visit grandma in the summertime so she can experience it too!

The other...not having to worry about money!  I loved not having a care in the world, other than what book I was reading or where I was going to ride my bike!  Sometimes being an adult isn't so much fun!
2. Are you still friends with your friends from high school?

Some of them, yes.  In December when I was in Florida I got to have lunch with a good friend from high school.  We haven't seen each other since we graduated.  She was actually the reason I met my husband!  It was so much fun.  It didn't feel like it had been so long, we picked up right where we left off and had the best time! 

I love facebook because I can keep up with some of my old friends.  Some more than others.  A few I am actually better friends with now than I was in school.  I guess because we have alot more in common now days, now that we are parents of pre-schoolers! 

3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or word that just drives you bonkers every time you hear it?

This might seem funny to some, drives me nuts when people call me Val!  I have no idea why, but it always has!  I am talking even when I was a kid!  I hate that people automatically assume they can call me Val, specially when I introduce myself as Valerie!  Just today, I emailed an invitation out to a bunch of business owners for an event we are sponsoring at work in August.  I do not know the majority of the recipients...however one of them responded and called me Val!  Grrr! 

The hard thing is, my husband calls me Val.  Well so does most of my family!  He knows I don't like it, but it doesn't stop him!  I am fine with him calling me that, but he always refers to me as Val at work too.  Therefore, everybody he works with assumes thats my name...they all call me Val! 

Its pointless to correct them!  So I just go with it.  I am getting better at accepting it.  Though it still drives me bonkers when a perfect stranger calls me Val (like the invitiation response)!
4. What is one thing that you think symbolizes America...besides "Old Glory"?

uhm...I guess my answer is the Statue of Liberty. 

Though, Pikes Peak does too.  You know that little song, "America The Beautiful"...the line that talks about the "purple mountain majesty"...

Let me tell you, there is nothing more beautiful than seeing that.  I am lucky to see the mountain that Katherine Lee Bates was singing about every single day, and I swear it never looks the same.  There have been many mornings that I have seen the exact purple she is talking about and its amazing!

I have been to the top of that mountain quite a few times too.  The donuts up there are incredible!  Oh, my car caught on fire up there too...exactly a year ago today in fact! 
5. What are your 4th of July weekend plans?

We don't really have any.  Thats kinda strange, because I love the 4th.  Usually we always have big plans.  This year, not so much.  The main reason for that, we could not afford to fly to Indiana this year.  I love celebrating there.  Its so much fun to go home and relive my childhood 4th of July memories!  Hopefully next year we can though!

Also, our town is broke.  This is the second year in a row that they are not doing fireworks.  The baseball stadium by our house is going to have them tonight and tomorrow night, but they don't start till the game is over.  That is usually around 10:30 or 11pm.  There is no way we could keep Morgan up that long!

Otherwise, we are going to a baptism and BBQ tomorrow night - exciting stuff!

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