Saturday, April 17, 2010

Six Senses Saturday

Julia is hosting Six Senses Saturday, and I thought I would join in on the fun!  Here we go!

Right now I'm...


Breakfast: A blueberry muffin (toasted with butter) and a glass of milk

(I'm not much of a breakfast person so thats alot for me!)

But I am looking forward to having some yummy mac n cheese from Noodles & Co. for lunch with my bestie, her son and my daughter before we head off to the aquarium!


A clean house and a small green (melon scented) candle burning in the kitchen


Morgan playing with her vintage Fisher Price Little People Barn and House...and The Little Mermaid playing on the TV in the background!  If I look out the window, its rainy, foggy, dreary and cold. 


The Little Mermaid!


At the moment, the keyboard!  (In a few short moments, the clean clothes as I fold and put away the last load of laundry for the weekend!!)

Feeling: best friend is on her way here from Nebraska.  We are meeting for lunch, spending the day together and possibly some time together too.  Six weeks ago she experienced the most horrific loss ever.  I was with her in the week afterwards but haven't seen her since.  I am anxious how the day is going to go, am I going to say the right things...etc.  All that sadness is going to come rushing back in, I am just trying to prepare myself for it.

What are your senses today?

1 comment:

  1. ooh, your breakfast sounds delicious! i miss muffins so much! they never have them here in Europe, and if they do, they're terrible! yum!
