Sunday, May 30, 2010

Getting to Know You

I love three day weekends!  Its Sunday yet we still have another day after today to play!  Not to mention, Friday will be here quicker once we get back to the grind!

Happy Memorial Day!

1. Have you ever snooped around someone else's house?

Nope, can't say that I have actually.  I am such a whimp, I would be afraid I would get caught!

2. Can guys and girls be friends? ( thanks Jen!)

Sure, why not?  I have lots of guy friends. 

3. Can you curl your tongue?

Now thats a strange question!  But the answer is yes!

4. Have you ever stolen anything?

Nope...unless you count a pen from a restaurant!  I prefer to think they have them there with their name on them as advertisement and want you to take its not stealing!

Oh, but once when I was in the military I got picked for a random inspection of my car.  They didn't find anything of any importance, but the MP did take a few pens that said "Property of the US Government" and said technically its stealing to have them in my car.  Come on...those are the pens they have in all work centers to get work done.  I highly doubt its a big deal to casually grab one or two and have them rolling around in the car!

5. Would you rather talk on the phone or text?

It depends on who I am talking to and what the subject is.  If its a quick question, text...if its going to require more than a few  I have a few friends that won't answer their phone, and send a text once they see I called.  Well hello, if I didn't text you, I probably have more to say than a simple text.  Freakin' call me back!
6. Memorial Day plans?

Typical weekend stuff...yard work, playing outside, bbq and maybe a stop at the festival downtown.
7. What do you do to relax?

Read or take a hot bubble bath...or a glass of wine on the front porch in the rocking chair!

8. Do you do anything to honor those that have died fighting for our freedom?
Our flag is flying, does that count?  Otherwise, no, not really.  I am a veteran myself...and we live in a huge military community so its often on my mind though.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

20 Questions

1. when you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

Ugh...I am running late.

2. do you miss anyone right now?


3. if you could move anywhere else, would you?

yes.  I can think of a few places I would move other states and other parts of town!
4. if you could choose, what would your last meal be?

The main course would be some type of seafood, with crab cakes and crab legs too.  The drink would be either a glass of wine or a margarita.  The dessert would be the most delicious, moist piece of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting...or a slice of Key Lime pie...or both!
5. what famous person, dead or alive, would you want to have lunch with?

Oprah or Michelle Obama
6. what was the last book you read?

A Soft Place To Land...I can't remember the authors name.  I enjoyed it!  I have been on a reading spurt lately!
7. what was the last movie you watched?

Julie and Julia
8. what was the last song you heard?

A song by Journey
9. what is your dream vacation?

A secluded island somewhere...or a trip to Ireland

10. what is the next trip you will take?

Probably either Florida, Indiana or New Jersey (to see family), though we have nothing scheduled right now.
11. did you ever go to camp?

Yes!  I went to a really cool camp called Challengers.  It was a day camp, but once we were older we got to spend one night during the two week session.  I had so much fun there!  Loved it!
12. have you ever been in love?

Of course!

13. what do you want to know about the future?

Years ago I would have said I wanted to know if we were ever going to be blessed with a child.  Now that we have been, I have no other requests.  I just want to enjoy each day and see what comes!
14. where is your best friend?

In Nebraska

15. how is your best friend?

She is having the toughest year of her life.  I wish I could be there to help her more.
16. who is the biggest gossiper you know?

I don't know
17. what does your last text message say?

I probably shouldn't write it here.  Just a little family drama going on!
18. what are 3 things you've always wanted to do, that you still plan to accomplish?

- Travel to Ireland
- Become a teacher
- Have zero debt
19. what is one thing you learned from your parents?

What not to do!  = )

20. what is one thing you hope to teach to your own children?
Positive self esteem and love

Friday, May 28, 2010

Show Us Your Life - Things that you LOVE/Make you happy

Today's Show Us your life is all about things that make us happy - things we love!

Here are a few of mine (in no particular order)!  Don't forget to stop over at Kelly's blog to see the rest and join in the fun!

Somewhere between Cocoa Beach and Melbourne Beach...I love it there. I grew up in Melbourne, Florida and still call it home. One of my favorite things to do is to sit at the beach. When we go back home to visit we tend to make a stop at the beach at least once, every single day we are there! Some are quick, some are long...we just have to get as much of that salty air and sand between our toes as possible!

My two favorite people in the whole world!  My wonderful husband and amazing daughter!

Flip flops...doesn't matter the color or the brand...I love them all!  My wardrobe of choice almost always includes a pair of flip flops or sandals!

Milk!  Oh how I love a tall glass of cold milk!  Its my favorite drink!

I love music.  I love all types of music.  I love live music, I love concerts, I love country, I love rock n roll...I just love music!

I love lilacs...there is nothing better than the sweet smell of lilacs coming thru the screen door on a breezy spring day.  I love them so much I bought a lilac scented candle a few weeks ago so I can smell it every evening!

Five Questions Friday

I am so glad its Friday!  Not only is it Friday, but its the Friday before a long weekend!  Oh and that long weekend just happens to be Memorial Day weekend...which means its the unofficial start of summer.  I am as happy as a clam!  Like a kid on Christmas Eve! 

Okay...time for the questions!  Oh and don't forget to stop over at Mama M's to play along!

1. Is there something you've always wanted to try but just can't muster up the courage to actually do yet?

Hmmm...not really.  Although I would love to try my hand at being a SAHM, but I can't muster up the courage to quit my job and feel that we would be able to survive on only one income!  I wanted to become a teacher last summer.  I signed up for classes in the fall and everything...but the universe had a different plan for me so I put it on the back burner.  I suppose I am nervous to muster up the courage to do it again!

2. If you had $100 handed to you in cash without your significant other knowing about it, what would you spend it on?

Gosh.  Right now, I don't know.  I mean, I already get monthly massages that he knows about...he gave me the membership for our anniversary!  Honestly, although its not all that fun and exciting...I suppose I would run down to Lowes and buy the vinyl plank flooring that we want to put in the entry ways in our home.  We are planning to buy it this summer, but don't quite have the money for it yet.  I told you it was boring!

3. What was your favorite piece of playground equipment as a child?

At my elementary school we had this cool tire play structure thing-a-majig.  It was these big huge tires (at least they seemed that way to me when I was a little kid) that were stacked in an odd sort of way.  You could climb on them, in them etc.  I loved it! 

4. Do you prefer a sweet or hearty breakfast?

Neither...I am not a breakfast person.  I am happy as a clam with a tall glass of milk!  When we do go out for breakfast I like french I guess sweet!  But I love sausage a how about a big hearty sweet breakfast!!!

5. Are you a Neat Freak or a Messy Bessy?

Oh man...Neat Freak without a doubt.  I am your typical type A neat freak.  I think I have relaxed a bit over the years.  Its tough to be so neat with a preschooler, and its hard to find the time and energy since I am a mommy that works outside of the home. 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday Five more day till the weekend! Oh and time for another round of Thursday Five! Join in the fun here!

Wanna play?

just post 5 things that have made you..






or all of the above..

and then link up with the rest over at MannLand5

Mine are...

1.  I sound like a broken record, but what can I say...I love the weather right now!  It was in the upper 80s today and just beautiful.  I am a Florida girl at heart, so this kind of weather make my heart go wild! 

2.  I got to meet up with one of my favorite people for lunch on Monday.  We had such a great time.  I haven't seen her since September and this past year was a really tough one for her.  It was so nice to see that she is doing great and has great plans for the future!

3.  A long weekend...what more can I say!

4.  We may be doing some work to our back yard in the near future and I am totally stoked about it!  Its not exactly the dream we have for our backyard, but its something we can fit in our current budget to make it look nicer...and most importantly make it safer!  It'll work till we either win the lottery and make it better or move!  I'll post pictures once it happens!

5.  There is something else I am excited about, but I don't want to jinx it so I'll just keep it to myself for now!  = )

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

and the winner is...

Sorry I am a day late (and a dollar short!).  Without further ado:

Thanks to

The winner is...


Please email me with your address so I can mail the book to you. 


Tag Your It!

Jen at The Tale Of Two Coins posted these questions.  I thought I would play along too!  Feel free to tag yourself and play along too!


Nope...I am not named after anybody.  I guess they just liked my name!

I have cried alot since March 7th.  I'm not sure when the last time was, but I know I have cried more since that day than I have all the rest of my years added together.  (That was the day that my best friend lost her 19 month old baby girl)


I don't mind it.  I like it better when I take my time and write neatly of course! 




One baby girl...she is quite a blessing.  We prayed for a long time for her.


Yes, of course!!


Yep, all the time!




No thanks!


I don't wear shoes with laces very often, but when I do...I do not untie them!


Yes, I think I am a very strong person. 


All of it!  I love ice cream!  My favorite is probably mint chocolate chip.


Eyes and teeth.




Dark and rainy.  It hailed really hard just a little while ago too!


Milk...Love it!


None, I am barefoot right now


Salmon, Asparagus, Salad and Bubbly Bread...with milk!


The Biggest Loser




My Mom


NFL Football

Reddish Brown

Dark Brown






Happy endings


Annie on DVD...we watch it alot!  Morgan loves it!








Crossover SUV!


I just finished "A Soft Place To Land" and loved it!


I do not have one..


Dancing with the Stars


A toddler giggling




To the beach!


not really...nope


Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday Minute

Here it is...the Monday Minute, and I literally only have a minute so this will be fast!  Play along here!

1 - Do you *snort*?

Nope... I am not a snorter.  I have a friend that is...I gotta say, I find it pretty annoying.  Like maybe she does it because she thinks its cute, so I roll my eyes.  No offense to all those that snort with no control!

2 - Our friend, has a nickname and it's Daffy. What's your nickname?

Well, as you all know, my daughter calls me "Mommy Salami" quite a bit.  My husband calls me "Luvbug" on occasion too. (you can melt now!)

3 - Do you know sign language?

When I was in third grade I remember learning it, the alphabet and a bunch of other things.  I don't remember much of it though.  Since my daughter was born, I have learned a bunch of toddler type words, like drink, milk, jump etc.  Not enough to converse with somebody though! 

4 - What's a sample convo from your hood?

Hummm...yesterday the neighbor from down the street drove past our house while we were outside planting new bushes in front of the porch.  He rolled the window down and said "Are you going to put another tree in"...referring to the spot where the tree is now missing because a man drove thru our yard and knocked it down (long, interesting story!).  He was teasing because he knows that was our third tree in that particular spot.  We have only lived there 6 years.  Apparently that spot was not meant to have a tree.  He then told us the yard is looking good and drove off.  I guess thats a sample conversation from a typical suburban neighborhood!
5 - Do you sleep with electronic devices - i.e. laptop, Blackberry, iPhone, etc?

Nope...half the time I forget to even bring my phone in to the house at night.  I usually find it still sitting in the center console of my car in the morning.  I am not tied to my phone at all (which is just a basic phone by the way...not a fancy schmancy smart phone!).  My laptop is usually in the living room.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Getting to Know You

Good Morning!  Its more day to enjoy before we go back to the daily grind!  Its so warm and sunny here this weekend, I love it!  We spent almost all day outside yesterday and plan to do it again today.  Some how I have to squeeze in a trip to the grocery store too!

Of course, I can't forget the Sunday Getting To Know You questions before I start the day!  Join in the fun at Keely's blog!

Also, don't forget about my giveaway!

Happy Sunday!

1. Do you have a fetish?

I don't know if this is a fetish, but I love wearing sandals or flip flops.  The fetish part is that I wear them all year round.  The weird thing about that is that I live in Colorado!  I don't wear them in the snow and I don't wear them to work unless the forecast for the day is 65 or higher.  We have lots of days like that all year round though!  At home I wear them all the time though, at the grocery, running out to get the mail, whatever!

2. Do you sing in the shower?

I have been known to once in a while!  When we were younger, we usually always had a "boom box" sitting in the bathroom.  We had it blarring all the time when we took showers, so there was lots of singing going on.  I haven't listened to music in the shower for years.  Every once in a while I still break out in song, but its usually either a commercial or kids song that is stuck in my head!

3. Who was your first crush?

Gosh, I have no idea.  Either I don't have a very good memory or it didn't make enough of an impact on me!  Is that weird?

4. What do you think is the best manly trait a guy could have?

I have to agree with Keely here...a good (hands on) Dad...hard worker...though mine doesn't cook and hardly cleans!  He makes up for it with all he does with our daughter though! 

5. Do you sleep naked?

I used to quite often, specially in the that I have a preschooler...nope!

6. What do you do when (you think) no one is looking?

You mean once the elevator door closes and you know you are all alone...I pick my wedgie!

7. What's the first thing you do when you go online?

I have all my go to websites set as tabs on my browser when it opens.  First I hit email, then Facebook, next is Google Reader.

8. Summer is.....?
Hot days, cool nights, bbqs, fireworks, Morgan's birthday, playing in the sprinklers, a glass of wine on the front porch when the sun goes down, cocoa butter and flip flops
Its also my favorite time of year!  I love it! 

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fill In The Blank Friday

The theme this week is fashion. Lets just say, its not my best week. I am not very fashion savvy! If you want to play along, stop over to Lauren's blog!

1. One fashion trend I really regret is: I don't know that I regret any of them.  They were all trendy at the time, they all had a purpose and place in history.  Sure, I can't think of too many past trends that I would want to wear today...but I am glad I got to wear aqua net sprayed hair, blue mascara and tight rolled jeans!

2. The one thing that always completes any outfit is: good hair.  I happen to think taking time on your hair makes any outfit look better.  Brush it, smooth it with a flat iron, use some product so its not frizzy.  It really makes a difference!

3. I would describe my personal style as: casual.  I would much rather be in jeans, a tshirt and flip flops.  I wear business casual at work, but I struggle to keep it as cute and trendy as my co-worker.  I much prefer comfort over trendy!

4. My fashion muse is: heck, I have no idea.  I am not into fashion enough to have a muse!

5. If I could own one designer piece of clothing it would be: Just like the muse question...I have no idea!  I am too cheap to buy designer clothing or purses.  I have a friend that spent $1,500 on a purse...seriously!  I would much rather have that money inside my Target purse!

6. I would love to raid the wardrobe of: Oh I don't know, maybe Jennifer Aniston.  She seems to have a comfy, laid-back style.

7. Today I am wearing: jeans, black top with short sleeves that go to my elbow, black sandals.  Its casual Friday!

Love & War - Giveaway!

Over the past couple of weeks I have been reading Love & War by John & Stasi Eldredge

If you are wondering why its taken so long...remember I have a two year old and I work full time!

Anyway, before I tell you about the book, I have to tell you a little story about how I was introduced to this fabulous book.  A couple months ago MckMama tweeted about the book. It sparked my interest enough for me to google the book and see what she was talking about.  Then she posted about the book on her blog, including a giveaway of an autographed copy.  By that point, I knew I wanted to read it.  I was going through a very difficult time in my life, my marriage had been struggling for quite a while, and then my best friend lost her 19 month old baby girl.  I had just returned from a weeklong trip to Nebraska to help my friend say good-bye to her baby.  Unfortunetly that trip drained me in lots of way, including my bank account!  I had to take the time off work unpaid for that trip, plus gas and other misc expenses while I was there.  Anyway, I posted in the comments something about how I could really use that book right now, but couldn't afford it because of the huge burden I was dealing I hoped to win it in the giveaway.  I did not win, but one of MckMama's amazing readers saw my comment and offered to send me a book as a gift.  What a blessing

Since that time, I have been slowly making my way through the book.  I am really enjoying it.  It is written as if you are sitting down over a cup of coffee having a deep conversation with the John & Stasi Eldredge.  They share intimate details of their own marriage and struggles they have dealt with over the years.  Its one of the most honest books about marriage I have ever read.  I am already noticing positive changes in my marriage, thanks to this book!  I can honestly say, we are in a better place and are happier than we have been in years!  

Regardless if you are newly engaged or have been married for many years, this book is for you.  I encourage you to open up your hearts to the idea of reading this book.  Its very entertaining and enlightening.

I am so excited to be able to offer a brand new copy of this book for my first giveaway! (courtesy of Ransomed Heart Ministries)

For up to 5 chances to WIN a FREE copy:

- Leave a comment on this post telling me why you would like to win this book - 1 entry
- Follow me @ and leave a comment here letting me know - 1 entry
- "Like" me on Facebook and leave a comment here letting me know - 1 entry
- Blog about this contest, link to my blog, and leave yet another comment saying "I blogged about it," with a link to your blog. - 1 entry
- Tweet about the contest, linking to my blog, and then leave another comment here saying "I Tweeted!", leaving the link to the Tweet. - 1 entry

I will announce the winner on Tuesday, May 25th.

Good Luck!   

Five Question Friday

Here it is...Five Question Friday!  Play along by stopping over at Mama M's!

1. Do you have an iPhone and, if so, how do you get apps and what are your favorites?

Nope.  I would love one.  I have wanted one since the first day they went on sale.  The only thing stopping me is the data plan that is required with it.  I am so darn cheap, I can't imagine paying for it!  Someday I will get over that, but not yet!

2. What is your fondest memory of K-3rd grade?

I don't have alot of memories of actually being in school during K-3rd grade...mine are more from the summers during the time.  I loved summertime (still do!).  Otherwise, I guess it would be the memory of the day my sister was born.  She was born on October 26, 1981.  I was in kindergarden.  I remember getting to stay at my grandparents house for the night because the baby was coming.  That morning when I woke up I got to get dressed up in my halloween costume at my grandma's house because it was the day of the Halloween party.  I was a clown that year!  After school grandma picked me up and took me to the hospital to see the little Jellybean known as Jill!
3. What makes you cringe at the thought of touching?

A snake.  I don't like snakes.  Heck just the thought of seeing one makes me cringe!
4. If you could have any celebrity show up on your doorstep who would it be and why?

I think spending a day with Oprah would be just fabulous!

5. What would you say is your best physical feature?

Either my eyes or my hair.  I always get compliments on both.  My little mini-me (my daughter) has those same big brown eyes....she gets tons of compliments on them too!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday Five

Here is a quick Thursday Five...Wanna play?

just post 5 things that have made you..






or all of the above..

and then link up with the rest over at MannLand5

Mine are...

1.  Its going to be in the 70s and 80s this weekend!  I am so excited.  Summer temps have finally arrived.  It looks like they might be here to stay too, the forecast for all of next week is warm!  There is something about the warm weather that puts a spring in my step.  I perk up and get all giddy! 

2.  I had lunch with a good friend today.  It was the spur of the moment and it was so enjoyable! 

3.  I get to go on a tour of 2SOPS in the near future.  To most people this is no big deal, but I am super excited about it.  Its the squadron I worked in when I was in the Air Force.  I haven't been there in 12 years so I can't wait to see the base and the squadron, to see how much it has changed.  I spent many many hours there over the 4 years I worked there.  Should be fun!

4.  My daughter snuggled up to me a few mornings ago (she woke up way too early and we were still sleeping) and whispered "you're my best friend, Mommy" and gave me a kiss on the cheek.  I melted!
5.  I just found out this week that Netflix instantly streams on Wii's.  How awesome is that!  We set it up last night.  So cool!

Happy Thursday!


Have you heard about Groupon yet?  It just arrived in my town a couple of weeks ago and looks awesome so far!  I haven't taken advantage of any of the deal yet, but plan to eventually. 

Basically, each day Groupon features an unbeatable deal on the best stuff to do, see, eat, and buy in your city.  By promising businesses a minimum number of customers, Groupon offers discounts you won't find anywhere else. Thanks to "collective buying power!"

How it works -

Just click "BUY" before the offer ends at midnight. If the minimum number of people sign up, they charge your card and send you a link to print your Groupon. If not enough people join, no one gets it (and you won't be charged), so invite your friends to make sure you get the deal!

You can buy it as a gift.  They communicate with all the businesses that they work with that Groupons can be gifted, and unless the Fine Print specifically states otherwise, gift away!  To have Groupons send them the gift, select the gift option at checkout.

If your city is not listed yet, sign up anyway.  Then they will know there is an interest in that city and will notifiy you once your city is added.

I have seen some fabulous deals just in the past 2 weeks!  Oh and its free to sign up!

Free Download - Martha Stewart Cookbook

For a limited time you can download a copy of Martha Stewart’s Summer Grilling Cookbook courtousy of Sirius/XM Radio.

Get it here!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Miss USA

Last night I wrestled with the idea of letting Morgan watch some of the Miss USA pageant with me.  I wasn't sure.  As much as I like watching it (yes I admit it!), I don't know if its something I want my daughter watching.  Not that there is anything wrong with it, just that I don't really want that to be her path in the future!  If you know what I mean!

Anyway, I talked it over with my husband at dinner.  He didn't see a problem with it and said she might even like it because the girls wear dresses and tiaras like princesses. 

So, I turned it on and she said "No Mommy, I don't want to watch".  I said, "Aren't they pretty?".  She said "No Mommy they are not good".  Allrighty then!  Guess there was no need to worry! 

Monday Monkey Minute


Have you ever peed in the shower/bath/pool?
Even though its not an option, I confess I have peed in the ocean.  Oh and probably the pool when I was a kid!

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Bad drivers!
What's the story behind your blog title?
My daughter calls me "Mommy Salami" all the home, in public...always! 

What is your definition of success?
A happy marriage and a child that is well rounded and happy.

If you were famous, what would you want to be famous for?
For winning the lottery!  Not that lottery winners become famous, but heck I wouldn't mind being the first famous lotto winner!

Play along and link up here!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Getting to Know You

If you want to join in...check out Keely's blog for more info!

1. The most expensive thing hanging in my closet is.....?

ow that is a good question.  I have no idea.  I am pretty cheap frugal when it comes to shopping.  I don't know that there is anything of value hanging in there!  If you asked about my husbands closet that would be easy, hands down its one of his suits.  If you asked back when I was in the military, it would have been my uniform easily.  Oh wait a minute...there might be an old formal gown hanging in the guest closet from a Christmas party long ago...might have cost $100 or so.

2. Have you ever played a team sport?

Nope...other than in gym class!  I was in marching band, thats a "team" but I don't think marching counts as a sport!

3. If you were a bug, what kind would you be?

Well gee, I have never thought about being a bug before...let me think.  Uhm, I guess I would be a lightening bug.  Harmless, fun and cute!  Though it would suck dying in a glass jar on some kids nightstand!

4. Where on your body is the worst place to get sunburned? 

The butt...seriously, the first time it ever sees daylight (tanning bed) isn't a good time to burn it to a crisp!  When I was 18, my first time in a tanning bed, the guy told me 20 minutes for the first time would be fine.  He was 100% wrong!  My bum stung like you would not believe!  I think I even missed a day of school because I couldn't sit down comfortably!

5. Are you happy?

why yes...yes I am!

6. People are always abbreviating..are there any abbreviations that make your skin crawl when people use them?

I don't really care for people writing Xmas instead of Christmas.  I don't know, something about it irks me I guess. 

7. Do you love where you live..or could you live anywhere?

Love where I live...well I enjoy Colorado alot.  I really love it in the summer time, we have little to no humidity and fabulous temps.  The winters are a different story though.  I find myself disliking them more and more each year.  I am not a fan of snow, or cold really.  We don't get alot of snow where I live, but we get enough.  The cold is what drives me nuts though.  Its May 15th and its still cold here.  We have had a few days of 70 degree weather, but by in large its still cold.  Today it was in the 50s and rainy.  Most of the US is a good 2 months ahead of us when it comes to cutting the grass and leaves on trees.  I think as I get older I enjoy where I live less and less.  I used to think this was where we would stay, now I am not so sure.  I dream of returning to sunny Florida some day.   

8. What, if any, extreme measures do you go to to keep yourself from overeating when you're full?

I don't.  There aren't too many times a year that I do overeat when I am full...pretty much just around the holidays.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Canvas People

Have you heard about the deal from Canvas People yet?  You can get one free canvas ($55 value) with any picture you want on it...your choice!  All you have to do is pay for shipping.  I ordered one back in December as a Christmas present for my sister and brother-in-law.  They absolutely loved it!  I have to say, it turned out pretty nice too.  The picture looked almost like a painting on the canvas instead of a digital print.  Now that its hanging in their house, it gets rave reviews from everybody that sees it!

Make sure you get your free canvas from Canvas People before the deal is gone!

Friday, May 14, 2010

fill in the blank friday.

Play along here!

1. The very best thing about the summer is: warm weather, long days & flip flops!  I love sitting on the front porch sipping on wine while the sun goes down.  Gosh I could go on and on.  I love summer!  I am a Florida girl at heart (even though I was transplanted to Colorado many years ago) so the warmth is what I yearn for all winter long!

2. My first crush ever was: so many years ago!  I don't even remember who my first real crush was on!  Guess he didn't matter all that much!

3. This may sound really silly but: some of my best friends are people I have never actually met...thanks to the internet.  I don't see a problem with that, but some of my family members think its odd!

4. I squeeze my toothpaste from: the end of the tube.  Thats the only way to do it, after all!

5. My absolute favorite "comfort food" is: ...where do I start!  I guess my favorite is mac n cheese from Noodles & Co.  BUT when I am searching for comfort food, I have been known to grab the chips and dip, make a cheese ball or make some type of seafood!

6. A random fact about me is: that I was in the air force many years ago.  I joined on my 18th birthday.  I served exactly 4 years active duty.  While I was there, I worked as a satellite operator for the GPS satellite.  I don't think its all that cool...but alot of other people do!

7. The one piece of technology that truly makes my life better and I couldn't live without is: my laptop.  I can't imagine life without the internet and a laptop.  I rely on the internet for everything.  Hard to believe there was once a time we didn't have it...what did we do without google!


Have you heard of yet?  A friend of mine told me about it a year or so ago.  She said her husband (a CPA) loved it.  That really spoke to me, considering I am an accountant!  There are lots of ways to manage your money, but I tend to stick to the tried and true.  I am the dork that likes to reconcile my bank account daily...yes, thats right, I said daily! 

I personally use Quicken to track all my financial affairs.  I have it loaded on my laptop though, so I don't always have access to it.  Sure, I usually know what my balance is in my checking account at any given time, considering I reconcile it daily!  However, there are times I need more info.  Rather than try to remember all the passwords to all of my different online financial accounts...I use  I love it, I can log in and have access to all my accounts in one location.  They all update automatically.  Its handy if I want to track my expenses by category.  Its super easy.  The best part....its free!  Yes thats right, totally free!  I don't know of any financial tracking software out there that is free. 

Check out what you think?  You might just fall in love with it!

Five Question Friday

Ahhh...its Friday!  My favorite day of the week!  Hop on over to Mama M's to play along if you want too!

1. Take your night, girls night out, or night out alone?

Gosh I like all three...depending on my mood!  I would say a girls night out sounds the most fun right about now though!  I like a night to myself, though I don't actually go out...I would prefer to stay home and read in that case.  I can't remember the last time that happened though!  Date nights are good too, but they are non-existant at our house.  We don't have a babysitter!  I can't wait till July when Morgan turns 3 and we can try out one of the Parent Survival Nights at The Little Gym though!  Until then we have date lunches...we take advantage of daycare and meet up during our lunch break for a nice quiet meal! 

2. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

3. What is your favorite flower and why?

I love love love lilac bushes...I love the smell of them!  I also love roses!

4. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

Hmmm...I guess I would tell myself that everything happens how its supposed to in due time.  There is no need to stress out and worry about things...because it all works out eventually.  When I was young I totally did not get that! 

5. If you won the lottery, what is the very first thing you would do?

Quit my job!  Now don't get me wrong, I like my job and the people I work with...but if I had the money to do whatever I wouldn't be this!  I would quit my job, find a good preschool for Morgan and pull her out of daycare right away.  We love the current daycare, but if she could spend more time with me, I would be thrilled!  Then I would probably find some type of part time job or volunteer position doing something I am passionate about.  Oh and of course I would pay off all our bills and schedule a trip to Florida!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Green Cleaning

Back in the day I was big into making my own cleaning products.  Not because it was the "green" thing to do, but because our budget was itty bitty, teeny weeny and it was a great way to save money!  That was quite a few years ago...gosh probably 10+ years. 

I am interested in doing it again, but for different reasons.  I want our home to be as "healthy" as possible for my daughter.  I want to be as "green" as possible for both our health and the good of the environment. 

I just can't seem to find any of my "recipes" for cleaning products anymore. 

Do you have any you can share?  Do you know of any sites with great DIY cleaning recipes?

Thursday Five

Here is a quick Thursday Five...Wanna play?

just post 5 things that have made you..






or all of the above..

and then link up with the rest over at MannLand5

Mine are...

1.  I got the referral information from my doctor office, made the phone calls and got my MRI scheduled for this Friday and the neurologist appointment for next Wednesday.  Why does that make me happy???  Beccause the last time I did this (four years ago) it was a 4 month wait to see a neurologist...and I gave up waiting!

2.  We participated in the awesome Mothers Day deal at Champps over the weekend.  I love a good deal!  It makes me smile knowing I will get 12 free meals this year!!
3.  I made $300 at my first ever garage sale...and it was freakin' cold out that morning!  I would have really banked if it had been a little warmer! 
4.  I got to celebrate my third Mothers Day!  After thinking for nearly seven years that I would never be a mother, I am pretty darn giddy about it!  What a blessing my daughter is!
5.  We are start our sprinkler system over the weekend...and it went so smooth.  I think this is the first year that we have not had some type of major issue or repair!  This time it went in without a hitch!  Gotta love it!

Happy Thursday!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monkey Minute


Ian usually hosts Monday Minutes, but this week he renamed it Monkey Minute in honor of the beautiful baby girl in the picture above.  She was recently diagnosed with cancer and needs all of our support.  Her mommy's blog is here if you want to check it out.  On to the questions!

1 – How old do you act?

I would say I act my age around most people, though my husband probably would say I act much younger when I am at home!  I love to goof around!

2 – As far back as you can remember, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An artist...that was my dream way back when.  I am an opposite!

3 – If you were to write a book based on your life, what would the title be?

I am totally lame...I can't think of a good title!
4 – What’s something that you do that’s considered “childish” by most?

I always want to get my way!

5 – The last question isn’t a question. Write a story of a time of when you or someone you know overcame great adversity.

I don't personally have a story...but I will share my father-in-law's story.  He has battled cancer three times, twice it was colon cancer and most recently lung cancer.  He now has one lung but otherwise is as healthy as an ox. 

Garage Sale Tips

On Saturday I held my first ever garage sale. I love buying second hand items, and enjoy a good garage sale...but never actually planned to hold one myself. Of course all that changed once I realized just how many baby clothes I had stored in the basement! After two consignment sales, I still had way too many I decided to take advantage of the HOA sponsored neighborhood garage sale! I think I was pretty successful...and wanted to share what worked for me!

Keep an eye on the weather forecast - A week before you plan to hold your sale, check the weather report.  Continue to check it through the week, because it may change!  On Monday they were predicting mid 70s and cloudy.  By Thursday they downgraded it.  It ended up being 34 degrees when I opened up the garage door at 7am.  It was windy all morning long and it may have reached 50 by noon when I closed up shop.  It was sunny and beautiful but very windy and cold!  In my opinion, it was way too cold for a garage sale.  Had it not been a neighborhood wide sale, I would have changed the date to something later in the month.

Take advantage of neighborhood wide sales - If your neighborhood sponsors a community wide garage sale, definitely consider holding your sale the same day(s).  You will see a lot more foot traffic with very little advertising.  There were six of us holding sales on my block on Saturday.  The street was jam packed with customers all morning long.  I don't think I would have seen traffic like that if it was just me holding a sale. 

Get organized - Make sure you organize your sale.  It might take a little bit more time, but its worth it.  For instance, I had lots of baby clothes to sale.  I did not have the time to price each individual item, nor the space to hang each piece up for display.  I ended up sorting the clothes and placing them into clear Rubbermaid boxes by size (such as 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months/2T).  On 8x10 paper I printed out signs showing the size and words "$1 each".  I taped a sign to each end of the box.  I ended up with ten boxes full of clothes!  I did not fold them, just stuffed them in the box.  I borrowed folding tables from work and set the boxes side by side on the tables.  I placed all the shoes in a box and labeled the box with signs similar to the clothing boxes.  I used wicker baskets to hold baby blankets and crib sheets and taped a sign to the table below them.  I got tons of compliments on how organized my sale was, and how easy it was to sort through the clothing.  It honestly did not take me much time at all, the uniform signs seemed to have a lot of impact though! 

Make it obvious - This seems like a no-brainer to me, but it might not be for everybody.  Make sure you make it obvious that you are having a sale.  My neighbor had the majority of her stuff inside her garage and a one or two boxes pulled out on the driveway.  She had clothes piled on moving boxes, so it looked more like she was cleaning out her garage than holding a sale.  The stuff in the garage did not look organized enough to be a sale, it was honestly hard to tell what was going on over there!  Even with five other sales on the block, she had a tough time getting any foot traffic.  She was across the street from the rest of us, which could have affected the traffic...but most likely people just did not realize she was having a sale too.  The rest of us had our stuff pulled out on the driveway, we had tables or big blankets piled high with things.  We pulled our cars out and parked them down the street.  One lady that lives in the cul-de-sac pulled her car up to the corner and taped a sign to it notifying people that they should turn the corner for another sale.  Do whatever it takes to make it obvious that you are selling stuff!

Happy Selling!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Getting to Know You

Sunday, already?!  Wow, that week went by fast! (actually I am cheating and doing this a day early!)

I hope everybody is having a wonderful Mother's Day!

If you want to join in...check out Keely's blog for more info!

1. What has been your most memorable Mother's Day? (with your mom, as a mom, or with your wife)

One that will always be remembered happened twenty years ago.  It was the last Mothers Day I spent with my mom, I believe I was 13.  She picked up and left the very next day.  Of course, I saw her again...and still do!  I just have never had the opportunity to spend a Mothers Day with her since. 

This is only my third year celebrating Mothers Day myself.  I think the most memorable so far has been the first one.  We went out to breakfast, waited an hour for a table (learned that its not very wise to go out for breakfast on M-D!) then went to Lowe's and bought flowers, then went home and planted them.  Just a nice quiet, enjoyable day!

2. Have you ever been pulled over for speeding and were you able to talk your way out of it?

Yes!  Back when I was in the Air Force I was working mid-shifts and was running late to work.  I got pulled over of course!  The cop saw I was in uniform and was pretty cool about it.  He took a little bit of time sitting in his car but then came back and said I'll let you off as long as you tell your commander why you were late!  I didn't get into trouble once I get there either!

3. What's the oldest thing you have hanging in your closet?

Well its not actually hanging in my closet, but I have a skirt folded in my dresser that I wore on our first date...August 28, 2003!  Its a size 7...I may never fit it again.  Its a denim wrap miniskirt...I may never want to wear it again!

4. Do you whiten your teeth?

I have in the past.  I am guessing I won't be able to anymore once the permanent crown is put on my front tooth next week.  Whatever color it is, is what it stays.  Unless I need to color the surrounding teeth to match it one day!

5. Underwear or Panties..What do you call your "unmentionables"?

I call them panties or undies. 

6. If you could go on vacation right would you go?

Somewhere warm!  Maybe Florida or an island somewhere!
7. Do you get offended when people cuss on their blogs?

No...but I don't offend easily!

8. If you had to give up one luxury item, it would be....?

uhm...gosh...this is hard.  I guess cable.  I could go without cable if I had to.  Just don't take away my laptop, internet or digital camera!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Show Us Your Life - Kids Names

This is my first time participating in Kelly's Show Us Your Life series.  If you want to join in, stop by her blog and check it out!

I am sure when I was younger I had names picked out for my future child(ren), but I don't remember any of them!  However, when my husband and I started dating in 1993, for some reason we talked about baby names from time to time.  It seems strange to me now, considering I was only 17!  What in the world were we thinking, talking about names then?!

Morgan Hope

Anyway, we both agreed pretty quickly that we loved the name Morgan.  I vaguely remember it had something to do with the movie Excalibur and the character named Morgana.  We both loved that movie.  Thats another funny thing...I don't like midevil type movies, but for some reason I love that one.  Strange! 

So for as long as I can remember we have been set on having a daughter named Morgan.  We never really talked about a middle name.  Once we found out we were expecting, we decided to keep the gender a surprise till delivery.  As we poured through baby name books we held strong with our love of the name Morgan for a little girl and tentatively decided Elizabeth sounded nice as a middle name. 

Three days before I was induced we decided that Hope would be the middle name if the baby was a girl.  We had such a long journey to having a child, Hope was perfect.

Connor Jack

For some reason we never liked the name Morgan for a boy, only a girl.  Early on we thought we would name a son Patrick.  One reason behind that name was that we met at Patrick AFB, in it was very fitting!  Another is that our last name is very irish, and we wanted a strong irish name for a child.  Patrick screams irish!  However, A few years before we were finally expecting our first child, my husband's cousin had a son that he named Patrick.  So we had to go back to the drawing board. 

Boy names were tough for us.  We finally agreed on Connor near the end of the pregnancy, and picked Jack as the middle name after my husband's father.  It wasn't really a name we were in love with, but it would have worked. 


Obviously we were blessed with a baby girl!  Sometime after we had her, we picked the name Ella Grace for a second daughter.  At this point it does not look like we will be able to use it, but I still love it! 

Five Question Friday

Hip Hip Hooray...its Friday!  This weekend is going to be a busy one for us...which means the weekend is going to fly.  Bummer!  Anyway, its time to play a little...stop by Mama M.'s blog to join in the fun!

1. What is your worst memory of your siblings?

I guess just fighting.  We were five years apart, so we weren't all that close.  We didn't share toys, friends or clothes....we just fought...all the time!

2. What was YOUR naughtiest childhood memory? (Must be something YOU did, no pawning it off on someone else!)

Well heck, I can't think of too much...though I am sure my mom could come up with some stories!  There was this one day, I think I was in third sister was 5 years younger.  It was snowing like crazy that day, so I came in from school with my snow boots on.  For some reason I kept them on, and we ended up deciding we wanted to ball room dance like they were on tv (this was long before DWTS!).  However, it doesn't work so well in snow boots.  My sister ended up with a broken arm!  I don't know that it was because I was all that naughty...though I am sure I knew better than to play in the house in my boots at that point!

3. Where do you like to go to relax?

The obvious answer it for a massage...but since I can't afford that every night (or week) I also like to take a warm bubble bath, or just relax in my big oversized leather chair with a good book!
4. What was the last thing you won?

About a year ago I won a "phat straps" camera strap from a friends blog.  I love it!

5. If you could be on a game show, which would you choose?

Hmmm...I have never really aspired to be on a game show.  I have a good friend that would give just about anything to be on Jeopardy though!  I really like to watch that new show "Minute To Win It", but I wouldn't be caught on that stage doing some of those goofy stunts!  I guess I will stick with "Deal or No Deal" that show even on anymore?

Happy Friday!

fill in the blank friday.

This week the theme is books!  I love to this should be fun!  If you want to join in, stop over at Lauren's blog!

1. My favorite book(s) growing up was: probably the Bobbsey Twins series.  Its an old series, most people probably haven't heard of it even.  I am not sure how I was introduced to it originally, but I loved it.  I read nearly all of the books in the set.  I even have most of them in a box in our crawl space waiting for my daughter to read them someday!

2. The funniest book I've ever read was: I don't know....I can't really think of a funny book.  I guess I don't really laugh out loud at books!

3. The one book that has truly changed my life is: I can't think of just one book.  Books in general have changed my life.  I have been a reader for as long as I can remember.  It gave me a chance to dream and be inspired when I was young.  Books teach me, inspire me, motivate me, entertain me...

4. If you're looking for a real "tear jerker" you should probably read: again...I don't really cry at books.  I guess I am lame!

5. If I could meet any author living or dead I would want to meet: Anita Shreve.  I love her books!

6. The next book on my "to read" list is: Well I am currently reading "Look Again" by Lisa Scottoline...does that count?

7. If I was snowed into remote cabin in the woods and could only choose three books to bring with me I'd bring: the Harry Potter series.  I have read the first two and own the others but haven't taken the time to read them!