I love three day weekends! Its Sunday yet we still have another day after today to play! Not to mention, Friday will be here quicker once we get back to the grind!
Happy Memorial Day!
1. Have you ever snooped around someone else's house?
Nope, can't say that I have actually. I am such a whimp, I would be afraid I would get caught!
2. Can guys and girls be friends? ( thanks Jen!)
Sure, why not? I have lots of guy friends.
3. Can you curl your tongue?
Now thats a strange question! But the answer is yes!
4. Have you ever stolen anything?
Nope...unless you count a pen from a restaurant! I prefer to think they have them there with their name on them as advertisement and want you to take them...so its not stealing!
Oh, but once when I was in the military I got picked for a random inspection of my car. They didn't find anything of any importance, but the MP did take a few pens that said "Property of the US Government" and said technically its stealing to have them in my car. Come on...those are the pens they have in all work centers to get work done. I highly doubt its a big deal to casually grab one or two and have them rolling around in the car!
5. Would you rather talk on the phone or text?
It depends on who I am talking to and what the subject is. If its a quick question, text...if its going to require more than a few words...phone. I have a few friends that won't answer their phone, and send a text once they see I called. Well hello, if I didn't text you, I probably have more to say than a simple text. Freakin' call me back!
6. Memorial Day plans?
Typical weekend stuff...yard work, playing outside, bbq and maybe a stop at the festival downtown.
7. What do you do to relax?
Read or take a hot bubble bath...or a glass of wine on the front porch in the rocking chair!
8. Do you do anything to honor those that have died fighting for our freedom?
Our flag is flying, does that count? Otherwise, no, not really. I am a veteran myself...and we live in a huge military community so its often on my mind though.