Monday, May 17, 2010

Miss USA

Last night I wrestled with the idea of letting Morgan watch some of the Miss USA pageant with me.  I wasn't sure.  As much as I like watching it (yes I admit it!), I don't know if its something I want my daughter watching.  Not that there is anything wrong with it, just that I don't really want that to be her path in the future!  If you know what I mean!

Anyway, I talked it over with my husband at dinner.  He didn't see a problem with it and said she might even like it because the girls wear dresses and tiaras like princesses. 

So, I turned it on and she said "No Mommy, I don't want to watch".  I said, "Aren't they pretty?".  She said "No Mommy they are not good".  Allrighty then!  Guess there was no need to worry! 

1 comment:

  1. haha! thats a cute story & was simple. as times im also in 2 minds to make my 6yr old to watch certain shows.
