Here it is...the Monday Minute, and I literally only have a minute so this will be fast! Play along here!
1 - Do you *snort*?
Nope... I am not a snorter. I have a friend that is...I gotta say, I find it pretty annoying. Like maybe she does it because she thinks its cute, so I roll my eyes. No offense to all those that snort with no control!
2 - Our friend, has a nickname and it's Daffy. What's your nickname?
Well, as you all know, my daughter calls me "Mommy Salami" quite a bit. My husband calls me "Luvbug" on occasion too. (you can melt now!)
3 - Do you know sign language?
When I was in third grade I remember learning it, the alphabet and a bunch of other things. I don't remember much of it though. Since my daughter was born, I have learned a bunch of toddler type words, like drink, milk, jump etc. Not enough to converse with somebody though!
4 - What's a sample convo from your hood?
Hummm...yesterday the neighbor from down the street drove past our house while we were outside planting new bushes in front of the porch. He rolled the window down and said "Are you going to put another tree in"...referring to the spot where the tree is now missing because a man drove thru our yard and knocked it down (long, interesting story!). He was teasing because he knows that was our third tree in that particular spot. We have only lived there 6 years. Apparently that spot was not meant to have a tree. He then told us the yard is looking good and drove off. I guess thats a sample conversation from a typical suburban neighborhood!
5 - Do you sleep with electronic devices - i.e. laptop, Blackberry, iPhone, etc?
Nope...half the time I forget to even bring my phone in to the house at night. I usually find it still sitting in the center console of my car in the morning. I am not tied to my phone at all (which is just a basic phone by the way...not a fancy schmancy smart phone!). My laptop is usually in the living room.
Ahh so Mommy Salami is a nickname.....I dig it!