Friday, May 14, 2010


Have you heard of yet?  A friend of mine told me about it a year or so ago.  She said her husband (a CPA) loved it.  That really spoke to me, considering I am an accountant!  There are lots of ways to manage your money, but I tend to stick to the tried and true.  I am the dork that likes to reconcile my bank account daily...yes, thats right, I said daily! 

I personally use Quicken to track all my financial affairs.  I have it loaded on my laptop though, so I don't always have access to it.  Sure, I usually know what my balance is in my checking account at any given time, considering I reconcile it daily!  However, there are times I need more info.  Rather than try to remember all the passwords to all of my different online financial accounts...I use  I love it, I can log in and have access to all my accounts in one location.  They all update automatically.  Its handy if I want to track my expenses by category.  Its super easy.  The best part....its free!  Yes thats right, totally free!  I don't know of any financial tracking software out there that is free. 

Check out what you think?  You might just fall in love with it!

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