Friday, May 14, 2010

Five Question Friday

Ahhh...its Friday!  My favorite day of the week!  Hop on over to Mama M's to play along if you want too!

1. Take your night, girls night out, or night out alone?

Gosh I like all three...depending on my mood!  I would say a girls night out sounds the most fun right about now though!  I like a night to myself, though I don't actually go out...I would prefer to stay home and read in that case.  I can't remember the last time that happened though!  Date nights are good too, but they are non-existant at our house.  We don't have a babysitter!  I can't wait till July when Morgan turns 3 and we can try out one of the Parent Survival Nights at The Little Gym though!  Until then we have date lunches...we take advantage of daycare and meet up during our lunch break for a nice quiet meal! 

2. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

3. What is your favorite flower and why?

I love love love lilac bushes...I love the smell of them!  I also love roses!

4. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

Hmmm...I guess I would tell myself that everything happens how its supposed to in due time.  There is no need to stress out and worry about things...because it all works out eventually.  When I was young I totally did not get that! 

5. If you won the lottery, what is the very first thing you would do?

Quit my job!  Now don't get me wrong, I like my job and the people I work with...but if I had the money to do whatever I wouldn't be this!  I would quit my job, find a good preschool for Morgan and pull her out of daycare right away.  We love the current daycare, but if she could spend more time with me, I would be thrilled!  Then I would probably find some type of part time job or volunteer position doing something I am passionate about.  Oh and of course I would pay off all our bills and schedule a trip to Florida!

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Love all your answers,so fun!!! I love your blog, too cute! Hope you have a great weekend!
