Friday, April 1, 2011

Five Questions Friday

1. Have you ever had surgery?

Yes...wisdom teeth (is that really a surgery?) and I have had two cysts removed, one on my ovary and one inside my uterus.

2. Ever ride in an ambulance?

I have, but not for my own need.  When Morgan was 10 months old she had to ride in an ambulance.  The condition that required daycare to call the ambulance really wasn't that bad...except that the daycare she goes to is located on a military base.  At that exact moment the military base happened to be locked down because somebody decided to drive thru the gate area without stopping to show an id.  That means the traffic waiting to enter and exit the base was outrageous...meaning I could not get on base to get her, and Daddy could not travel across the base to get to her.  The only possible way to get movement and to get her checked out was with an ambulance.  We drove across town in an ambulance to the local hospital and spent an afternoon in the ER...all for a fever associated with an ear infection that caused her lips and fingers to turn blue momentarily.  It was scary at the time...but looking back the ambulance was a bit unnecessary.  If you ask me, the base should have provided the transporation free of cost.  It was their fault we needed it anyway!

Incidently...we found out the infant/toddlers are required to ride in a car seat in the back of an ambulance...if possible.  The nice parametics gave Morgan a stuffed animal to cheer her up on the ride too.

3. How are you in a medical emergency? Panicked? Calm?

In the above "emergency" I was pretty calm.  Way calmer than I would have expected actually.

4. Do you have a garden? Flowers or veggies?

I have a corner of the back yard for veggies...but I didn't plant anything last year because the crazy dog we had at the time had destroyed all my plants the previous summer.  This year Morgan and I are planning to revive the veggie garden.  I plant a bunch of flowers in the front yard too. 

5. When did you move out of your parents house?

I officially left my dad's house when I was 17.  It was two months into my senior year of high school.  I wouldn't say I moved out, so to speak.  I was asked to leave kicked out.  Its a long story.  Maybe I will share it one of these days.  Maybe.

If you want to join in the fun of Five Questions Friday...hop on over to Mama M.'s blog!

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