Sunday, April 25, 2010

Getting to Know You

Happy Sunday!  The weather is supposed to clear up and warm up a little bit we are hoping for some play time at the park!

Hop over to Keely's blog at MannLand5 to link up and play along!

On to the questions...

1. If you could star in any movie genre..what would it be..romance..horror..comedy..suspense or action?

Hmmm...I have no ambishions to be an actress, but I suppose I would pick a comedy or a romantic comedy.

2. Do you recycle?

When I have the opportunity, I do.  On a regular basis at our home, no.  Amazingly, where I live in Colorado, recycling is not a big thing yet.  It shocks me because where I grew up in Florida over 15 years ago it was already a required thing with the weekly trash.  Here its optional, but it costs quite a bit more to do it.  I have an issue with paying for the privledge to recycle.  I happen to think it should be manditory, and included in the weekly trash program with no extra charge.  My other issue with it, they give you a second huge trash bin that is a different color and tell you to throw all the recycleable stuff in it without sorting.  They claim it gets sorted at their facility.  I have a hard time believing that.  If they provided three colored bins, I would be much more inclined to pay for the program and do the sorting.  Geez...that was a mouthful!

3. Have you ever been to a strip club?


4. Do you have a nickname?

My daughter calls me "Mommy Salami" (hence the blog name!), my husband calls me "Luvbug"

5. What's a name you can't stand to be called?

I have always hated being called Val.  I'm not sure why, Its just something that bugs me.  I especially hate it when I introduce myself as Valerie and immedieatly the person calls me Val...assuming thats what I want to be called.  It irks me!  But, its clearly not going away, because EVERYBODY does it.  It doesn't help that my husband calls me Val too.  Last night we went to a BBQ with his co-workers and every one of them called me Val, because thats how he refers to me at work!  So I have decided over the past couple years to let it go and let people call me whatever they want...even Val!

6. What are your Summer staples?

Flip flops, Sandals, sunglasses, lime fruit juice bars, grilling

7. What was the last thing you bought for yourself?

Two new tops on clearance and a pair of sandals for work

8. Are you happy with your boob size?

Honestly, a little smaller would be better!


  1. Hi - just stopping by to see your answers!! I forgot grilling - that's definitely a summer must.
    Have a great Sunday!

  2. It was nice "getting to know you"!! I LOVE flip flop and grilling also!!

  3. I'm in Florida but must be a different part than where you grew up because it isn't mandatory here; although I wish it was because then I would do it.
    I love your daughter's nickname for you!
