I try to live with my life with no regret, and I would say I have been pretty successful at it. For the most part I am happy where I am. Would I like to make things better, sure...who wouldn't?! But really, life is pretty darn good!
However, if I had the opportunity to turn back time, there are two things I would probably change.
First off I would not have gotten out of the military when I did. I often wonder how life would have turned out if I would have reenlisted and made it a career. Now that I am older and wiser, I know career wise and retirement wise it would have been a good thing. Although I really do love living in beautiful Colorado, I have built up a great network of friends and colleagues and genuinely love the climate 90% of the time! I think staying here and not moving multiple times actually suits us better, but still its fun to wonder what might have been had we both stayed in!
Second, I would have had a second child somewhat close in age to Morgan. That's easy to say, but for us we might have tried and tried and never ben successful. We struggled for a long time to get pregnant with Morgan. I suffered two miscarriages, one before her, one after her. We were told we could not get pregnant at all. Once we had her, we decided that science isn't always right, so we opted for protection for the first year. Maybe we shouldn't have. We started trying again when she turned 1. For a year we tried. Right after she turned 2yrs old we had another miscarriage and decided that was the end of the road of trying to conceive for us. Just too much heartache and worry to deal with. We had our beautiful blessing we prayed so hard for, it was time to turn the page on that chapter. But I often wonder what it would be like to have two children. I wonder what Morgan would be like as a big sister. I wonder what another child of ours would look like. Should we have kept trying? Should we have tried right away after we had Morgan. Who knows. And really, I love our little family. I love the dynamics, I love the one on one time, I love the quietness of one child. Sure she can be loud and crazy at times...but man the neighbors across the street with 4 small children never get the quiet that we get! :)
So there you have it...what I would change if I could turn back time!
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