If I could be anything in the world...
I have thought about this question a bit. Its actually kind of a hard one! I often say I am unhappy with my job, or that life didn't quite turn out the way I dreamed. But the more I think about it, I don't think I would have it any other way. Life is pretty good right now, and I am pretty happy with where I am.
Although, if I could be a SAHM I would be. I know what you are thinking. I could be a SAHM if I really wanted to be. But our lifestyle would change so drastically. And that's not what I want. I would want to have the means to be a SAHM with the lifestyle we have now. I don't want to sit at home all day long because we have to, because we have no money. I want to be able to get up and go to the gym early before Morgan gets up, to take care of myself and my spirit. I want to be able to have a membership to a pool, to travel to Denver to see friends at the drop of the hat, to make big lavish meals and bake whenever we want.
So I guess my ultimate dream for right now would be to be a SAHM, with enough money in the bank to not have t worry about anything, to be able to do whatever we want.
Just because that's my dream right now, doesn't mean it will always be. And to be honest its more of a pipe dream than any dream I would actually try to work towards. Its just nice to day dream sometimes!
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