Thursday, July 11, 2013

Week 4: My Biggest Weakness

I'm a little late...okay, four days late...

Oh well, better late than never!

The theme for this week's edition of
52 Weeks of Blogging with a Purpose is "My Biggest Weakness".
This is a hard one for me.  I could sugar coat it and say something silly like chocolate.  But if I am going to be "blogging with a purpose", I might as well be honest.  I have two big weaknesses that I struggle with constantly.
The first is my anger.  Oh man do I have a sharp temper.  Most the time I am pretty happy go lucky and laid back.  But, I can get fired up so fast...about the stupidest things.  Its something I have always struggled with.  Its something I try to improve, but I struggle with it for sure.  I have ZERO patience, and that always gets the best of me.  Luckily, I am very patient with my daughter and always have been.  I'm not sure why that is, but I am very thankful for it. 
The other weakness is food.  I don't know how to put it any other way.  I like to eat.  I like food.  I like bad food.  And I like eating unhealthy amounts of food.  I have managed to lose a good deal of weight the past two years.  In total I am 65lbs lighter than the day I gave birth to Morgan six years ago.  Keep in mind, I only gained 18lbs when I was pregnant.  I couldn't blame my weight on baby and pregnancy.  I have the exercise part figured out, and I have managed to control my eating for the most part.  But its a constantly struggle.  I am constantly wanting to eat, constantly making poor choices, and constantly hard on myself for it. 
I'm afraid there are no easy "quick fix" cures for either of my weaknesses...just something I have to constantly be mindful of, and constantly try to improve on.  But thats the spice of life I guess.  Nobody is perfect...we all have little irritating things about us that need some work.   
So there you have it...the down and dirty on my weaknesses. 

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