Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 3: My Life 5 Years From Now

Hi There!
Its Week 3 of 52 Weeks of Blogging with a Purpose, and the
theme for this week is "My Life 5 Years From Now.
That's a tough one for me, because I don't really know what I want to be when I grow up or which direction I want to take my life. 
On one hand, I would like to be working less and have more time to devote to my daughter and her activities.  But on the other hand, if I am working, I would like to have more of a leadership role in whatever I am doing.  Yes, I realize those two things don't really line up together that well. 
A girl's gotta dream though, right!
I hope I am still in shape.  I hope I am in rockin' a better body in my 40s than I was in my 20s.  I have been able to pull it off so far in my 30s, so here's hoping! 
I hope I finally run the Bolder Boulder 10K, that has been on my bucket list for the past 3 years.
Yikes, I just realized I will be almost 42 in 5 years.  Gosh that sounds old!
Anyway, in 5 years I would like to have less debt and more money.
I would like to have all my home projects done...heck maybe even be moved into an even nicer home that doesn't have any projects that need to be done!  :)
If I'm really dreaming, then I would like to be an established photographer by then.  But I gotta put in the time and effort to do that, and right now I just don't see that happening.  Maybe someday.  Though I guess that being a photographer might work with my first goal of working less and having a leadership role.  Hmmm....might have to pursue that a little bit harder! 
In 5 years, Morgan will be just about to turn 11 yrs old.  Wow.  That sounds old!  She will be starting middle school, which kind of scares me.  Though luckily our school is K-8th, so middle school there is a lot less stressful and scary than a true traditional middle least for Mom anyway! 
I hope I have a great relationship with her, and can be her rock as she works her way through the teen years and beyond. 
Well there you have it, a glimpse into what I hope is my view of the world in 5 years. 

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