A day late and a dollar short! Oh well...here it is!
1. Did you make any fun purchases this week?
Yep...two actually! I don't usually spoil myself that much, I swear! It was a good week though! :)
I bought a Canon Speedlite 430 EXii external flash for my DSLR! I have wanted one for a while, a long while...and finally stumbled across a smokin' deal on craigslist. I love it so far!
I also bought an iPod touch! My Sony MP3 player is dying a slow death so I decided it was time to upgrade. The exact same day a friend of mine posted on a message board that we both frequent, that she was selling her practically new iPod touch because she just got an iPhone and doesn't need it anymore....I got it for a great price too!
2. If you could go to any musical concert, what would it
Just one...I love concerts and have been to literally all types. Right now I am wishing I bought tickets to the Rascal Flatts concert in a few weeks. Thats only because its hot on my radar. Otherwise, I would like to see Sarah McLachlin, Faith Hill/Tim McGraw, U2, John Mellancamp (again), Jimmy Buffet....I could go on and on!
3. What is your least fav/most fav house chore ?
Least fav...hands down its cleaning the bathroom
Most fav...seriously, who has a favorite house chore! I guess if I had to choose one, it would be laundry. I kinda like steam cleaning the carpets too.
4. Would you prefer new appliances or clothes?
New clothes. There is nothing more to say about that! :)
5. Miracle Whip or Mayo?
Oh thats easy...Mayo! I can't stand Miracle Whip. I haven't had it in years but I remember as a kid hating it. Its one of those things, either you like it or you don't!