Friday, October 8, 2010

Five Question Fridays

Wait...what's this?  A post!!

I know, I know.  I have dropped off the face of the blogging world!

Apparently summers are bad for blogging in my neck of the woods!


1. What do you listen to while driving?

I got a new(ish) car in August and was given a three month free trial of XM Radio.  When I got it I thought, well heck a free trial sounds good but I would never pay for radio!  Here I am two months later...dreading the day my trial ends! 

I love it!!  I love it so much more than I thought I would! 

On the way to work I rock out to the 90s on 9 station.  Thats funny too, because I would have guessed that the 80s on 8 would have been more my thing.  I love 80s music.  I always get excited when a local radio station does an "All 80s Weekend".  To my surprise, I love 90s even more!
2. What is your least favorite thing about Fall?

I like fall, except for the fact that winter isn't too far behind!

We tend to get thrown in to winter quickly here too.  Last year we had a foot of snow fall 3 days before Halloween!  But by Halloween it was warm and we were trick-or-treating without coats.  I guess you could say the fall and spring weather around here is odd.  This year we haven't really had much of a fall.  Yesterday it was in the 80s.  This morning there is snow on top of Pikes the snow down here probably isn't too far behind.  Yuck!
3. What does your dream house look like, inside and out?

Well I know what it is not!  Its not the house we live in currently!  :)

I have two different pictures in my head...and they are completely different!  Maybe that means I will win the lottery and have two homes!

One is a big huge home with a large wrap around porch in the front.  A huge lot with tons of trees, near a lake somewhere.  It has a couple stories and a bunch of rooms.  Inside there is a huge beautiful kitchen.  The house would be decorated with warm colors.  Although big, it would feel warm and cozy!

The other is a home near the beach.  Traditional stucco, palm tree type feel.  Again, large and welcoming with a big kitchen.  It would be one level.  The back would look out to a pool and a lake or pond beyond it.   

Can you tell I am a Florida girl living in Colorado!  Even my dream houses reflect that!
4. Would you ever own a minivan?


Well I suppose if I had twins or triplets I might have to consider it.  Otherwise, no thank you.  My husband wants one badly.  As soon as he found out we were pregnant he wanted to start test driving them!  I told him no way, unless we had twins!  Thankfully we only had one!
We have a cross over that seats 7.  Its basically the same as a minivan, its just arranged differently and looks much cooler and sportier!

5. Do you wash new clothes before wearing them?
This is funny!  I always wash Morgan's clothes before she wears them.  I never wash clothes for me or my husband before we wear them though!
Isn't that odd!  No real reason, thats just how I do it!
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1 comment:

  1. It was nice to meet you and your answers were quit funny. I love doing the Friday 5 questions and haven't done them in a while. Come drop by my blog and enter my contest I have going on. I love meeting new friends. Send your friends too. Kath' at
