Saturday, June 19, 2010

debt sucks.

I hate debt!  It really sucks!

Quite a few years ago, back when we were told we could not have kids, we spent like a dual income couple with no kids.  That was perfectly fine when we were a dual income couple with no kids.  Then all the sudden...surprise!  We had a baby, that we were a little surprised about.  Sure we wanted her badly, but we really did not think that dream would come true. 

Of course once you have a child, your budget and expenses change quite a bit. 

We are still trying to dig ourselves out of that "no kids" debt.  Two years ago we committed to a strict plan to pay off the debt.  We are making progress but we are only halfway there.  Its taking forever!  I can't wait till we reach the end of this journey!

At the moment I have no interest in sharing exactly how in debt we were/are...maybe someday. 

I hate it so much because it holds us back.  We are suffering or lacking necessities by any means.  We even get to do a few fun things from time to time!  However, we don't get to travel as much as we would like.  Our family would love to see us more often.  If we did not have this debt, I may have been able to stay at home after Morgan was born.  I don't know if I would have, because there would be other things to consider such as lack of retirement etc...but I would have at least had the opportunity.  With this debt, there was no way I could have stayed home.  I am okay with that now, its working fine.  I just wish I had the choice!

Okay, enough venting about debt.  We are making will all be gone eventually!

1 comment:

  1. Without going into detail, I will just say I'm right there with you. I think the title of your post says it all. :)
