The past year will forever be known as The Year of Crazy Stories in our family. Everybody has those oddball stories that happen to them from time to time, but they don't usually all happen within the same one year time span. I am seriously hoping that since we have hit the one year mark, that means the goofy things will stop happening to us!
It started exactly one year ago today. We had a totally freak accident happen on our property. It was so freaky that explaining it doesn't even do it justice, if you were to actually walk around the area and see just how crazy it would be stunned. Without going into too much detail, a man driving a truck with three young children as passengers drove thru the fences and yards of three homes, taking down two trees in his path. We are on a corner lot, so he went thru our backyard, did a U turn in the side yard and crossed over the front yard. He then crossed the street, went between two cars without leaving a scratch, crossed back to our side of the street and ended up in the garage of a neighbor three doors down...the exact same house where his journey began in the back of the house! We live on busy street, but the way our house sits, we are the furthest from the street...its hard to explain but we are the least likely to ever be hit if a car goes off the road behind we never in a million years thought this would happen! It turns out the driver had a seizure while he was driving. We were all very lucky that day. Not one single person was hurt in the accident.
Fast forward to last July. It was a crazy week, we had two different sets of house guests with exactly one day in between them. That one day happened to be the day we had to put our 15yr old dog down. It was a rough week to say the least. The second set of guests was my sister and her husband. The day after they arrived we decided to take them up Pikes Peak for some sight seeing. We were exactly 2 miles up the mountain when the car in front of us stopped and the passenger ran towards us yelling that our car was on fire. No I am not kidding...our car was literally on fire. Flames were coming out of the wheel well even. Thank goodness she told us when she did, the people passing by were helpful and we didn't cause a forest fire! It turns out, the VW service tech did not install the heat shield properly when we had it replaced due to a recall a year previously!
Next up was November...after driving in the worst snow storm ever, the underbody of my car fell off. Yes this was the same car that had caught on fire just a few months before...yet we decided to fix it and keep driving it. Probably shouldn't have. A month after that the heat quit working. Thats a very bad thing to go without in Colorado in December! Six weeks later I took it in for a typical oil change and walked out with an estimate for $4K. So we sold it the very next day!
On top of all that, it was a very sad year. I suffered a miscarriage in September, a friend of mine had a stillborn baby a few days after the miscarriage and then my best friend lost her 19 month old baby girl just 7 weeks ago.
Finally yesterday the year went out with a bang...literally. While playing at the park with friends, I managed to break my front tooth. Not just a chip...a complete fracture. So I spent the majority of day today at the dentist getting a new temporary crown to cover my old front tooth. It looks great, and the dental hygenist is my new favorite person. I was hyperventilating worrying that it wasn't fixable and I would look like a hillbilly forever!
I seriously hope this is the end of the crazy, silly, unfortunate events. I can't take any more!
You know what they say: Bad things happen in, um, eights. I hope this next year is better for you.